Sunday, December 21, 2008

A New Super Hero?

I have always been enamoured with Super Heroes. When I was a kid, I watched the old Superman TV shows religiously. You've probably seen them... the one's starring George Reeves as Superman (a.k.a. Clark Kent). They started out in black and white and eventually graduated to color. Lois Lane was kind of homely in the B/W episodes, but a real hottie in the color versions. My first childhood crush, perhaps? But I digress.

After those shows, I'd have my mom safety pin a towel to the back of my T-shirt, and off I'd fly into the neighborhood in search of "Truth, Justice, and the American Way." The scary thing was, I ran into several other dorks doing the same thing.

I followed other Super Heroes too, on TV as well as in comic books. The Flash, Green Lantern, Aquaman (I'd pretend to be him at the pool), Green Hornet, etc. And of course Batman and Robin. I thought they were all cool.

About six weeks ago, I had a defibrillator inserted in my chest to regulate my heartbeat in the event that it started doing irregular things. In fact, it's there to give me a jolt if it stops altogether. Not a big deal. It works if needed. It just sits there if not. But I got to thinking... could this qualify me as a Super Hero?

Think about it. No worries about heart palpitations the next time Peyton Manning is directing a game winning drive in the last two minutes. No problems with a breaking heart if/when the Cubs blow another lead, or lay another egg in the playoffs. No worries about my heart pounding before trying to get up and down from a green side bunker, or leaning over a five foot putt for par (on which I would likely get a couple of strokes anyway due to my handicap). No problems watching ANY Indiana basketball games this year. Yes... one could suggest that I am INVINCIBLE!! A Super Hero that can withstand any potential heart stopping situation! How cool is that?

Some would argue that I don't qualify as a Super Hero unless I can use my power for the greater good of mankind. Maybe so, but it takes a herculean effort to root for a team like the Cubs for a lifetime, or play the game of golf as badly as I do (in public no less). Doesn't that count for something?

Now... I just need to think of a cool name. I think I'm too old for a cape though.

Thanks for listening. Have a "sporting" day!


midwest princess said...

you're definitely a super-hero in my eyes! :)

Elaine said...

Great post. As for a name... I'm thinking "the jolt."


PletcherFamily said...

Hi cousin Doug! Mat and Jen here! I read Elaine's blog faithfully, and I saw on there that you have a blog of your own, so I am becoming a faithful follower. Mat and I will enjoy your posts, I am sure!
I am glad your surgery went well and you are on the mend. It is nice to know we have a Super Hero in the family. I like Elaine's name for you - I second that!